In this installment Trixie and Cherry confront their duplicate selves from the past and somehow survive.
They discover the past they knew has been changed and they may have changed too.
Just when the menu has gone 69 things get worse...will they make it to their own future and will Trixie become CEO of Heaven Sky Burger or has this disappeared like an ice cream cone on a summer's day?
In this installment Trixie and Cherry confront their duplicate selves from the past and somehow survive.
They discover the past they knew has been changed and they may have changed too.
Just when the menu has gone 69 things get worse…will they make it to their own future and will Trixie become CEO of Heaven Sky Burger or has this disappeared like an ice cream cone on a summer’s day?
This short story, the seventh in a series, follows the early life of Trixie Pug (nee Trixie Aioli), who by the year 3333 and 1/3 will rise to become the second most powerful CEO amongst the galaxy-spanning fast food corporations, where she who’s the fattest wins!
Look for parts 1 – 6 at your favorite e-book retailers. You can also buy the first five stories in one collection for one low price.
Trixie first appeared in the satirical science fiction novel, Attack of the Lushites available in ebook and trade paper back formats.